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Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Heart of Brawlsteenian

 In the distant year of 3021 A.D., amidst the chaos of World War 3, a clandestine pursuit unfolds. Alcor, a determined seeker, meticulously tracks down the elusive Heart Shards—fragments that, when united, coalesce into a glowing red heart. But these Shards are no ordinary relics; they harbor a potent secret—a battery of unparalleled power, capable of reshaping the very fabric of existence.

 As the months pass, Alcor’s quest intensifies. Each Shard reveals cryptic clues, leading to a revelation: the Heart’s energy can either save or damn humanity. The stakes escalate as World War 3 rages on, threatening to plunge the world into irreversible chaos.

 Finally, Alcor stands before the Brawlsteenian space station, its metallic expanse a testament to human ingenuity. The Shards, pulsating with latent energy, await their fate. The hero grapples with an impossible choice: to destroy the Heart and avert World War 4, or to wield its dominion and shape history.

 The weight of destiny rests upon Alcor’s shoulders. The stars watch in silent anticipation. The hero’s decision echoes across time, a ripple that could alter the course of civilizations. And so, in the cold expanse of space, Alcor contemplates the ultimate question: What price is too high for peace?

Chapter 1 (Sample) World War Three Alcor, a young man, during World War Three, came out of his bomb shelter called Enwake. After an elevator ride, he unwrenched the door which could only be unsealed from the inside. When he opened the door, he noticed it was January. This was the first time he saw a snowflake. His mother warned him that he shouldn’t go outside, but he didn’t listen. He wanted to see it for himself. He thought he would be excited to see it for the first time. He wanted to find a girlfriend. Alcor was prepared for battle, and besides, he wanted to help Enwake. It was where he was born. He dreamed many times about finding a Heart Shard.

Check it out at Amazon:

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