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Extreme Writing Motivation Schedule

  Day 1 - Day 5 Only write. Weekend Day 1) Exercise. 2) Study. 3) Read. Sabbath Rest. No work. No Exercise. Weekend Day Full Body Weight Lifting Quads. Hams. Chest. Delts. Triceps. Back. Biceps. Stretch : 20 seconds per body part. 1 set. Weights : 3 sets per body part. 1 exercise. 20 reps. Exercise Bike : 40 minutes twice on the weekend day. Diet No snacks. Fast between meals. Take pills at breakfast. Eat 3 meals a day, under 2,000 calories total for  men . Eat 3 meals a day, under 1,500 calories total for  women . Drink 1 big cup of bullet proof coffee. Drink 1 big cup of green tea. Drink 1 cup of water with a dash of cayenne powder and apple cider vinegar. Twice daily. Drink plain purified water most of the time.

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