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World English Bible Permissions (WEB)

The bad news about sharing the Bible, most Bibles are copyrighted, and they give you a limited number of verses to use, and you may have to pay royalties. The good news about sharing the Bible, I bought the World English Bible (WEB) on amazon for only $1.99. I downloaded Kindle For PC, free on amazon. See the amazing copyright information below for the World English Bible! *The World English Bible is in the Public Domain. That means that it is not copyrighted. However, "World English Bible" is a Trademark of You may copy, publish, proclaim, distribute, redistribute, sell, give away, quote, memorize, read publicly, broadcast, transmit, share, back up, post on the Internet, print, reproduce, preach, teach from, and use the World English Bible as much as you want, and others may also do so. All we ask is that if you CHANGE the actual text of the World English Bible in any way, you not call the result the World English Bible any more. This is to avoid confusion, not t...

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